Saturday, July 18, 2009

Long Lens in Astoria Park

Earlier this week I decided I would try photographing Astoria Park with a long lens only for an afternoon. Today was a great day to enjoy the park, so I packed up a picnic with my friend Sam and threw my Canon Mark II and a 70-200mm 2.8 lens over my shoulder. A fun challenge for the afternoon, came up with a few shots I liked. Trying to build the collection of Astoria Park shots to put together some kind of project in the future.

We were walking back to the apartment and there were several birds chirping around the grass. I had been playing with a slow shutter speed minutes before hand but it all worked and was psyched the little guy decided to fly through the splash of sun for a minute.

Dandelions have been one of my favorite things since I was a little girl -- I always would close my eyes, make a wish and try to blow every little seed out into the summer wind.

The light was reflecting strongly off the East River, silhouetting these kids nicely. There was a good breeze today too. I wish all three silhouettes were separated, but I didn't wait for them to move around and I liked framing them with the road sign.

There were a few little kids playing and running around under the Triboro/RFK Bridge, sidetracked from some kind of family and friend gathering in the park. I was drawn to the lines of the bridge and also how small this boy looks in such a giant scene.

I shot this from our blanket -- I like the nature and steel contrast with the tree and the bridge. The sky had some good clouds in it too, so you've got to take advantage of it when you can.

This reminded me of shots I would do on the North Shore in MA for features for The Salem News. This feels quiet and solitary to me and I liked framing him between the trees.

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