Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stormy Sunset

After leaving work one evening last week and getting ready for a drive down to Valdosta, GA, the stormy skies leftover from a passing storm made for a beautiful double rainbow and a gorgeous sunset. I pulled over a few times to get some images.

I'm told the sunsets in Charleston in the fall are particularly beautiful, but this is one of the best I can remember since moving here last October. Looking forward to seeing many more.

The double rainbow going over the Cooper River - tricky to do the colors justice, but gorgeous all the same.

Shooting through the windshield while driving over the Ashley River Bridge - love these lampposts and the contrasting sunset.

Shot through the window, grabbed a palmetto in the foreground while passing by!

The ominous sky, I've always had a thing for clouds.

View down the Wappoo Cut, heading toward John's Island.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Blue Angels in Charleston

A few weeks ago the Blue Angels - Navy F-18 jets - came to Charleston and provided some great entertainment in the sky. A good friend was kind enough to take me out on his boat to enjoy the show from the Cooper River on Saturday - it was my first air show and it was very impressive. All of the rumbling vibrations outside of the studio all week had me curious and my expectations were most definitely met.

I went out to Mt. Pleasant and watched the show again on Sunday with some close friends visiting from Massachusetts - a different vantage point provided for some nice images to complete the flying collection.

I apologize for being behind in the blog recently - I have kept up with my shooting, just haven't had the time for all of the editing. Trying to catch up these next few weeks so keep checking, and that means you E.D.

This large plane, a C-130, started off the show and we were just passing through the Ashley River heading toward a place to anchor for the afternoon.

Tons of people lined the edge of the Battery for a good view of the show as the C-130 flew over the right side of them.

The C-130 made a high, steep ascent into the air over the Cooper River Bridge to end his part of the show.

1, 2, 3, 4

Four F-18's fly over the Cooper River Bridge.

Pretty sweet synchronized dive.

Diving still.

All six F-18's fly by while in a very tight formation.

Nice to see the writing underneath these six as they fly right over us in tight formation - these pilots have tremendous skills.

Cool split after the dive.

View from under the Cooper River Bridge at Waterfront Park in Mt. Pleasant.

Blue Angels and Palmetto trees.

The end of the show on Sunday with all six of the Blue Angel fighter jets screaming through the sky together in very tight formation.